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Plate «Velvets Morning»

Снаряжение / Атрибутика. Eventscanner Fan Shop
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Gift plate. Series seven - «Velvets Morning». Hand made.

Gift plate. Series seven - «Velvets Morning»

Organic handmade ceramic plates Nature has always been my muze, the source of inspiration for my handmade stoneware plates. My handmade pottery plates add flair to the flavour in your food. Each color has a different character and tone, to either be a contrast, or be in amazing harmony with the food or item placed on it. When I recently created the glaze color “Mother of Pearl”, I thought of shells, the sea and her pearls. White is always a fine canvas, but I did not want the canvas to be completely empty when the food is finished. I started playing around with pearly white glazes, and ended with this stunning result with some dashes of stillness in the middle. I can only imagine crisp radish on top of your salad or gently cooked scallop on this handmade pottery plate beauties.

Organizer:Eventscanner LLC


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